Friday, March 9, 2012

Blog 7

I decided to use two of my favorite animated movies, Spirited Away and The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Both of these are oriented for children and adults. Spirited Away is an anime movie about a girl whose parents were turned into hogs and she must work with monsters to win them back from an evil witch. It has many deep messages about finding oneself and the power of imagination. The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Quazimodo falls in love with a gypsy and learns to follow his heart and for him to think for himself. The screenshots I used from both movies show the antagonists and how the animators portrayed them. Both pictures represent the antagonists in darker colors with wrinkly faces against a warm background. Both antagonists are older and are ornately decorated. One thing I found very interesting was the hair of the Witch and the hat on top of Frollo's head. They all seem to share a very triangular shape. Contrasting the two images, one can see the shape of their heads. Frollo's head is very long and triangularly. He has a pointed chin and a long neck. The witch's face is very round. Her eyes are gigantic in comparison to his. She has a double chin and her neck is not even visible. The color of the two characters are somewhat similar. The witch is wearing a blue dress with brightly colored jewelry and a warmly pale face with purple eyeliner. Her hair is a warm white in the frame as well. In comparison, Frollo's clothes are purple, brown, black and red. His face is also warmly pale but his hair is grey. The Spirited Away's frame seems to be a bit darker because of the lack of light. Furthermore this provides interesting shadows on the Witch's face. Half of Frollo's face is in shadow and his sneer helps makes him seem more disgusted. The shadows and the colors of the witch symbolize that she may seem to have this loving grandma like figure to her but she is actually evil as represented by the shadows and the contrasting colors of her rings. Similarly the dark and malevolent colors of Frollo symbolize how evil he truly is with his intentions.

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